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Siege of Cartagena de Indias (1741) Part II

23 April 2020

Begining of battle On the morning of March 13, 1741, an imposing fleet of 195 British ships (about 135 troops ships and about 60 combat ships and frigates), along with a contingent of about 32,000 men (between infantry and sailors) in command of the Vice Admiral D. Edward Vernon appears before the coast of the Spanish Cartagena de Indias. 

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Siege of Cartagena de Indias (1741) First Part

22 April 2020

The battle of Cartagena de Indias is one of the greatest feats of the history of the Spanish navy and one of the greatest Spanish military victories in the S.XVIII. Today we will try to make known how this confrontation between British and Spanish, but first, in order to understand the conflict well,we will briefly review the causes that took place to the English Navy to besiege this square Fort located in present-day Colombia.

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Hanging Gardens of Babylon

15 April 2020

There are many theories that we have today about this ancient wonder of the world since it is difficult to know exactly what it was like and where it was located because we do not have too much information, we only have a few and indirect writings about these gardens. These sources of information were described by people who never saw the gardens in person, based on the stories and other old previous descriptions.

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